Girl Scout Ashes

Welcome Girl Scouts!  My name is Rebecca and I've been a Girl Scout for 31 years.  I'm from Girl Scouts of West Central Florida and am a troop leader.  I hope you love this ashes tradition as much as I do!

Ashes taken from a campfire are sprinkled into the flames of the next campfire.  The next morning, when the ashes are cold, they are stirred and each Girl Scout/Girl Guide takes some with her to mix with her next campfire.  If more than one Girl Scout/Girl Guide brings ashes to the campfire, the lists are combined, the dates and places of all campfire are recorded and passed on.  As Girl Scouts/Girl Guides travel, the ashes circle the globe.  It is a tradition that only those present at the campfire can receive the ashes. 

We carry our fellowship with us from other campfires with our comrades in other lands.  May the Joining of the dead fires with leaping flames symbolize once more then unbroken chain that binds Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world.  With greetings from Girl Scouts and Girl Guides every-where.
So that you may pass these ashes on and share them with others at their campfire, here is the history of where these ashes have been.

1925 National "Get Together" Virginia, USA
1949 World Encampment, Camp Edith Macy, New York
1950 Roundup, USA
1952 Regional Roundup, USA
1953 Regional Roundup, USA
1956 Germany, Camp Freedom - Scotland, International Jamboree
1957 Australia, Roundup - Germany, Camp Freedom - Canada - Roundup, USA Regional Roundup, USA - England, World Jamboree, Sutton Caldfield
1956 Canada - Switzerland, Kanderstag - Germany, Camp Freedom
1959 National Roundup & Junior Roundup, Colorado, USA - Germany, Camp Freedom
1960 Canada, Kelowna British Girl Guide Camp - Switzerland, Our Chalet All State Encampment,
USA.- Sweden, International Encampment Germany, International Campfire
1961 Roundup, USA - Switzerland, Our Chalet - Germany, International Campfire
1962 National Roundup, Button Bay, Vermont, USA - Switzerland, Our Chalet All State Arizona
project, USA
1963 All State Campouts (Michigan, Tennessee, California, Washington, Maryland, Arizona) USA -
Switzerland, Our Chalet
1964 All State Arizona Project, USA
1965 Holland, Girl Guides - USA, Shadow Ridge Camp, Tennessee; All State Camp North Carolina; N. Dakota Senior Camp; All State Arizona Project; Camp Mary White New Mexico; Cadette Campout - Canada, Campfire lit by Lady Baden Powell; Tierra del Oro/Kelowna British
Columbia Gypsy Tour - USA, All States Nantahala National Forest, N.C.; Cad. Tr. 020;
Cad. Tr. 070, Arizona; Roswell Girl Scout Camp, New Mexico; Senior Tr. Peace Gardens, St.
Louis MO.
1966 Holland, Girl Guide Encampment - Belgium, International Camp - USA, Camp Mary White; Cad. Campout, Roswell, NM.; Cad. Campout Tr. 9 20; Senior Tr., Peace Gardens; Cad. Camp, Tierra Del Ore; Cad. Tr. #70
1967 Canada, Centennial Celebration - Germany, TOF5 and Girl Guide Camp India, Kalyani Jamboree - USA, Arkansas Ouachita Ramble, Tennessee; Cadette Campout; Roswell Girl Scout Camp
1968 Germany, Outdoor Training, Tomkins Barracks, Schwetzingen Forest Taiwan, Camp McCauley Jungle Survival Training - USA, National Event, Minnesota; Arkansas Ouachita Ramble
1969 USA, National Center West; Rendezvous; TROOP Campout, Atlanta Georgia; Camp Chimney Park, Wyoming - Germany
1970 Belgium, Leader Training, Fresnaye - Canada, Pike River, Quebec England, Diamond Jubilee Camp, Lancashire; Camp Odenwald - Germany, German Guide Campout, Odenwald; P.S.G. Promise Ceremony, Erbach; Leader's Outdoor Training, Schwetzingen Forest - India, Maharashtra
Jamboree -Netherlands, International Whitsun Camp, Dwinqelpt - Argentina, Camamento de las Guide - Canada, Quebec Safari - USA, Action '70 Weekend; Senior Tr., Peace Gardens; Camp
Roswell, N.M.; Krown Kroft Camporee, Arkporte, N.Y.; Rochester/Tenn. Valley G.S. Senior-Weekend, Arkporte, N.Y.; Sen.-Leadership Class, Brie, Penn.; Candles to Capsules, Williamsburg, VA.,-Hawthorn Ridge Netherlands, International Training, Whitsun Camp, Swingeloo - Canada, Quebec Safari - Belgium, Training Conference, Fresnaye; Junior Campout, Domain de Mozet Naur; Leader's Training Overnight, La Preshave Argentina, Campement de las Guias - Germany, Garmisch Conference - USA Shenandoah Winter Conference, VA.; Sen. Tr. ff8G £ 90 Appalachian Trail 50 Mile Hike; Opp Tryouts, Echo Lake O'woods, Oregon; National Camping Day, Doe Lake; Senior-Cadette Camp, Inlet, N.Y.; Summer Conference, Shawville, VA; Senior All States Conf., Williamsburg VA; Senior Weekend, Camp Medusa; N.C. Retreat, Santa Clara, CA; National Center West, Dig Mankind Public Relations P's & Q's, 111. Camp Covered Bridge, Louisville, Ky. Cad. Trps. H70, 403, Hidden Lake Camp; Cad. Tr. 1)62, Camp Woodhaven, N.Y.; Hawthorn Ridge; Leaders Training Louisiana; Cad. Tr. #132, Schenectady, N.Y.; Action '70 Weekend, Erie, PA; CIT Graduation, Camp Timberlake, Fort Worth Texas; Cad.- Senior Campout, Vermont; All State, Camp skimino, Williamsburg, VA; Senior Summer Conference, Camp Kiwanniana, Shawayville, VA; National Center West, Tote n' Trek, Wyoming; SCCGSC Senior Troop 300, Canoe Trip
1972 Germany, NAGS Training conference; Siegenburg; Munich; Rhein-Mein, Camp Juliette Low; Junior campout; Camp Lachenwald; Ceremonial Campfire; Seegenberg; BSA Leader Training Camp; German-American Guide/ Scout Campout, Mannheim; Junior Tr^# flc: Training Camp, Mannheim; NAGS Camp Olympiad, Wolfestried - Belgium, Jr. Campout, Domains ae Mozet, Hamur; Training Camp, Chievres; Training Camp, Friendship Acres - Austria, Junior Campout, Weidlingach - Switzerland, Our Chalet USA, Camp Timberline CIT, Ft. Worth, Texas; Opps Tryouts, Camp Low Echo, Oregon; Cad. Tr. 8266 Campout, Camp Scot-, OK; TEQUE, 3r. - Trailblazer Competition, Santa Clara, CA; Sr. Tr. (11599 Camp Ruth, OH; Jr. Tr. 0688, Skylark Ranch, CA; Jr. Tr. 096i, Hidden Falls, CA; Mission Full of Magic, Santa Barbara, CA; National Center West, Dig Mankind/Tote n' Trek, WY; New Mexico Mystique, Camp Mary White, NM; Little Roundup, Peoria, 111. Camp Covered Bridge, Louisville, KY; Missle Valley Day Camp, NM; Jubilee Camporee, Boyhaven, NY; Wider Op Selection Weekend Windy Waters, GA; Lamesa Troop Campout, Snyder, TX; Camp Friendship, SC; M.A. CampouL, PA; Cad.-Sr. Camp, Four Winds, KS; Cad. Snow Trip Long Barn, CA; A.C.A. Training Camp, Elliot, PA; Encampment, Camp Waluhiya
1973 Belgium, Training Camp, Avvaye de Mare de Sous; Guide Olympics, La Fresnayey La Sachemiere - Austria, Weidllngbach - England, Neighborhood Campout, Phase!s' Wood; Neighborhood Campout, Redwoods to the Sea, Region 6, Shylark - Germany, Camp Lachenwald; Seeshaupt, Jr. Tr. 632, June; Training Camp Friendship Acres, Idenheim; Resident Leadership Camp, Berlin; Neckar District Event, Heidelberg; Siakein; Leadership Training, Seeshaupt; Heidelberg Day
Camp, Schwetzingen Forest; French/English Cad.Campout Berlin; Camp Zorus; TOFS
International Friendship Award Ceremony, Altrip Stuttgart Cad. Campout.; Ceremonial Bonfire Lichtenstein Girl Guides and Girl Scouts; Troop Campout, Munich - Lichtenstein, Guides and Scouts - Mexico, Our Cabana; Flint River Seniors, Our Cabana - USA, Good Turn Weekend, IN, NY; LIT'e, Aides and Cad. overnight, IN; Stake Your Claim AK; Sr. Cleanup Weekend, National Center West, Dig Mankind, Tote 'n Trek. Trails West, Camp Rowland Camp Booth Oakes; Mountain Magic Wider Op; Redwoods to the Sea, Region 6, Skylark; Opportunities Knocking, AL; Aides to Mentally Retarded Girls, Arkadelphia, AR; Sr. Blast Off Weekend, NY; Canadian Colonial Pathways, Camp Todd.- DE; National Jamboree West, ID; Sacajawea Pow Wow '73, LO; Santa Fe Trails Cad. Skills, KS; Rockwood National Center, MD; Sangre de Cristo G.S. Camp NM; Conf. Services to Troops, Edith Macy, NY; Our Daisy World, NY; Sr. Service Weekend, NY; Follow the Sun Wider Op, TX; Traces Through Time, UT; Poso He' Mot, WI| Cad. Tr. H53T, CA; Camp Rough River, KY; Philmont Training Center, NM; Wood Badge Trng, Buckskin Reservation, WV; Tucson. A2; Camp-Friendship, CA  
1974 Mexico, Our Cabana - Switzerland, Our Chalet - England, Keys to Friendship, Oxford; Girl/Adult Conf., Oxfordshire;Scouts/Guides, Hatch End, London; Our Ark, London;
Neighborhood Campout - Luxembourg, Outdoor Training, Vlanden - Trinidad, Diamond Jubilee Camp, Tobago Colombia, 3rd Pan American Jamboree, Bogota - India, Haryona Jamboree -
Germany, Scangdaheim Happening; Hilltop Day Camp 6 Jr. Pow Wow; Camps Lachenwald,
Freundenschaft and Edelburg; Trainer's Conf., HeideLberg; Camp Lelbasck, Sr. Camping; Cad.
Encampment, Stuttgart; Munich; Camp Dahn; Dist. Conf. Camp Taho, Kaiseralautern; Trng
Conf., Zwingenberg Youth Hostel; Camp Freedom; Troop 0632, Seeshaupt; Sr. Campout,
Diersheid; Spangdahlem Nghbd Hapng, Diersheid - France German/American Campout, Vogesen; Outdoor Training, Abbaye de Maredsous - Greece, Partners in Training, Athens - USA, Birth of the "International Order of the Chartreuse Buzzards", Edith Macy, NY; Art a la Carte. MO; Ohio Valley Camping Festival; Camp Ledgewood Training, OH; Sabinal Camp LaJi, TX; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Camp Candlewood, CT; Colonial Pathways, DE.; Summer School of Scouting, DE; White Mt. Trip, Expedition Club, DE; Camp Cliff Haler IN; Kaw Valley Council, KS; Aids to Mentally Retarded Girls, Arkadelphia, KS; Suwannee Sebago, KY; B-day White Mt. Trip, Expedition Club, MD; Cad. tr. #633 40 Mile Appalachian Trail hike, MD; Friendship Grows, Sr. Spec, MD; Gulfcoast G.S.C. Visit. Rockwood, MD; Leaders Trng Wired, MD; City, Sand f. Surf, NY; Focus on Discovery, Edith Macy NY; No one is an Island, Syracuse, NY; Trng Innovations Wksp, EMC, NY; A Good Mountain Day, NC; Good Old Mountain Do, NC; Redlands Reflections, OK; Canadian Cad./Sr. Outing, OR; Conf. on Wrkng with the Handicapped, PA; Earth and U3, PA; Spot'tUght, PA; Chattooga Challenge SC; Service Unit L8 Wknd, Williamsburg, VA; Unaliya Adatu, Scouts and Maidens Weekend, Camp Skiminc, VA; Senior Day. WI; Seniorama Olympics, WTj National Canter West, Long Tales, Lost Trails/Women in Wildlife, WY
1975 Afghanistan, Boy Scout/ Girl Scout Flag Day, Pagham - Belgium, Intercamp '75 (6 nations) - Luxembourg. Camp Trns, Wainden - Puerto Rico, Camp Elisa - Germany, baumholder Scout Camporee; Jr/Sr Campout, Ellweiler; International Campfire, Camp Lachenwald; Hanau, Thinking Day Bonfire; Camp Freedom; Hostel Bash; Ldr. Campout, Heidelberg Day Camp, All Jr. Campout Schwetzingen Forest, Klondike Derby, Heidelberg; Norway, 14th World Jamboree, Lilleharnmer^ M. Norway Encampment, Alta -Switzerland, Our Chalet -England, Last Official Function of Lady Baden Powell; Canoe Camping, Longridge on the Thames; UK Conf. BP House; London Japan, Intertroop Campfire, Mlsawa; Yokota Nbghd Campout, Camp Tama; Camp Morning tar, Z.ama - Mexico, 'Our Cabana - USA, Cad- Campout, MI; Dig into History, VII; Makoma vernight, WI; Charter Oak Encampment CT; Camp Francis, CT; Fantastic Sr. Spec. Wknd, ockvood, MD; Camp Candlewood, CT; Senior Search, Camp Clements, FL; Manitou Mt. Trip, Rocky Mts.; Ranching Southern Style, TX; Bootheel Kicks, MO; Roundup 75, PA; Poplar Bluff Camp; Camp Mary White, NM; Flag Disposal Ceremony Albion Park, Hawthorne Ridge Camp Friendship; Sr. Conf., Fallen Leaf Lake, Sierra Nevada; National Center West, Women in Wildlife, WY; NJ; Hooray Ouray, CO; Western Horizons, TM; Hidden Fails, CA; Camporee Missile Tracking Station, NH; Becky Thatcher Beacons, Mo; Cad/Sr Jamboree, Opryland, TN; Hi-A-Wak-A II, CO; Cad. Roundup, VA; Colonial Capers, VA; Adult/Youth Partnership Trng, Edith Macy, NY; Ceremonial Bonfire. Hot Springs AR; Camp LaJita, TX; State Sr. Conf. Birmingham, AL; Earth and Us, PA; Aide to Mentally Retarded Girls, AR; Kelly Park, Apopka, FL; Wickham Park, Melborne, FL; Women as a Vital Force, Edith Macy, NY; Western
Horizons Wknds, TN; Thousand Island Conference, NY; Seniorama Bicentennial; Viaje Tejano Mexicano Wider Opp, TX; Camp Winding, Camp Roundup, FL; Greynolds Nghbd Camporee, Davis FL; Owassa Bauer, FL
1976 Hong Kong, Diamond Jubilee International Camp - Norway, International Camp, Nordtangen - Switzerland, Our Chalet - Japan, 30th Anniv. of Japanese Girl Scouts, Osaka; Camp Tama - Mexico, Our Cabana - Canada, Vancouver Ranger Gathering; Br. Ceremony, British Colombia Rangers, Camp, Kelowna - Korea, bzh International Camp - England, Giiwell Park Greenham/Woi ford Nghd c Kingsclere Guides Play Day; Foxlease, Trng Germany, Hilltop Day Camp Stuttgart - Germany, Thinking Day Bonfire, Manau - Canada Laurier Area Dry Run, Quebec - USA, Hills, Lakes, f. Skies, TX - New England Peaks to Ports, NJ USA, Wake-up America, Bicentennial Event., IN - Move 'em Out, ND GAM, CA - Camp Daisy, KS Flames for Freedom, GA - CIT Graduation, KS - Pioneer and Dig Patrol, Chalk Hills Camp, WI - Novato, Association Resident Camp, Camp Sugar Pine, CA - Texas Camp Finlayson, Ft- Hood - III. Waukegan, Trainer's Reunion - Texas Camp LaJita - Cad, Touch the World, TX Japan, Neighborhood Encampment, Camp Tama - Japan, Troop Camp wich Core staff, Camp Tama - Buckeye Trails Girl Scout Council, Camp Whip-poor-will Hills, OH - Edith Macy's 50th Anniversary Campfire Encourilation - Pioneers Camptire of Memories at Camp Hawthorne Ridge - Wyoming Trek, National Center West - Yankee Doings, NH Cad - Your Heritage Begins Here, Licking Valley Council, KY - Rendezvous at South pass, Wyoming Council - Moccasins to Megalopolis, Fox Valley Council, IL - 1776 All Over Again, Penn's Woods' Council, PA Greenham/Wolford Neighborhood and Kingselere Guides Play Day - Jr Campout, Camp Martha
Johnston, GA - Troop 868, Rainey Fall Campout Intercontinental Congress, Philadelphia, PA
- Conifer, Council Wider opportunity, Aides to Mentally Retarded Kids, Texarkana, AK -
Cad/Sr opening Campfire Dedication at New Camp, Emelton, PA - Shenanqo Valley Day Camp
Closing Campfire - Lakeview Day Camp, Sandy Lake, FA - Gateway Council Leaders, Camp
Chowensow, FL - Camp Graham Group Camp - Catawoa Valley Leaderee - Daisies Daze, Pines of
Carolina Leaderee Camp Mary Atkinson - Rededication, Camp Pipissewa, Cad Troop, Chapel
Hill, NC - Emerald Isle Evening Campfire, Cad, NC Hayride and Indoor Friendship Fire, NC -
Mexico, Adult Adventure Session, Nuestra Cabana, Cuernavaca - USA, Rainey Fan Campout
Cad/Sr Weekend, Camp Aspetuck, Southwestern Conn. - Cad Waterfront Weekend, Camp
Candlewood, Southwestern Conn. - Camp Sugar Pine, Arnold, CA, SF Bay GS Council & Novato
GS Association - Neighborhood Galaxy 25 Conference, SCCGSC - Leader's Retreat, Skylark -
Arizona Camp Dedication - Camporee, Hidden Falls - Kelowna BC Ranger, Sr Ceremony -
Voyager, Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Canada and Minnesota, Badger Council, WI - Ganset
Gam, Camp Hoffman, West Kingston, RI - Campus Gold Scouts Campout:, Camp Sylvia Stapley,
Stillwater, OK - Ranger Aide, Pushsataka Game Management Area, Clayton, OK - Wilderness
'16, Your Responsibility, Cranberry Back Country, WV - Camp Scott CIT Campfire, Locust Grove, OK - Camp Northern Hills CIT Campfire, Milwaukee, WT - Bicentennial Campfire, Lake George, Stanford, CT - Mountain House Day Camp, GVGSC, Allentown, FA - Doodle-le-lonc, Cleveland, OH - Final Campfire, Camp Friends, Southwestern Conn. - Yankee Doing, NH Cad, Anne Jackson Day Camp - Training Weekend, Camp Farnsworth, VT - Camp Francis, Southwestern Conn. GSC, CT - Campus Scout Conference 2, Camp Whispering Pines, Nacogdoches, TX - Switzerland, Hikimg Session, Our Chalet - Cad Campout, Matipai, Arizona - Germany, District Spring Camporee, Laspertheia Woods - Germany, Wood Badge Training, Camp Freedom Germany, Order of the Arrow Conference, Camp Freedom England, Wood Badge training, Gilwell Park - USA, Isaac Davis Camporee Campfire - Summer Camp, Hidden Valley Campfire Day Camp Training, Cutteru, KS - Cad/Sr Weekend, FL - Tanasi Council Cad Roundup, TN - Heritage Highlights, Camp Tohikannee, PA - Sr Rendezvous, Rock Springs Ranch, KS - International Bicentennial Encampment. Brookville, NJ - Dismal Swamp, Chesapeake Bay, VA - State Senior Roundup, Camp Skimino, Williamsburg, VA - USA/England, Camp Skiako, Williamsburg, VA ~ Flames of Freedom, Heritage Council, Camp Skiako, Williamsburg, VA - Opryland Jamboree, Nashville, TN Rendezvous at South Pass, Wyoming Council - Aides to Mentally Retarded Girls, Conifer Council, Arkedelphia, AR - Camp Martha Johnson, GA - Fine to' Prairie Council, Fort Todder, ND - Intercouncil Bicentennial Encampment, Brookville, PA - Lake View Day Camp, Sandy Lake, PA - 2nd Annual Cad/Sr Opryland Jamboree, Nashville, TN - Tanasi Council Cadette Roundup, TN - Girl Guides from Hemel Hempstead and Hatch End, England visit Camp Skimino, Williamsburg, VA - Shenandoah District Winter Conference, VA - Day Camp Training, Cutteru, KS, Canada, International Camp, Nova Scotia - Africa, Experiment in International Living, Kenya - Mexico, Our Cabana, Cuernavaca Switzerland, Our Chalet - Japan, Cultural Exchange Week, Okinawa - Germany, French/English Cad Campout, Berlin - Taiwan, Camp Liberty Mexico, Our Cabana I the night Lady Baden-Powell died) - Japan, Camp Tama Resident Camp - Philippines, 25th Reenactment of Bataan Death March - Korea, Camp Liberty Summer Camp - Taiwan, ROC Summer Camp, Wesley Grove - Mexico, SCCGSSC/TLerra del Oro, Our Cabana - Canada, Between Friends, Bowenviile, Ontario - USA; Sr Weekend, CA - Region V Conference, Camp Sacajawea, IA - Cad Camporee, NC Sierra Stomping '11, Reno, NV - Truckee, CA - WAGGGS Roundup, OH Tote 'N Trek, National Center West - 10th Anniversary Landing Ceremony, CA Leaders Retreat, Skylark - Sr Jamboree, Hidden Fails - SCCGSC Camp Friendship - Sr Campout, Monroe, WI - Camp Andree Clark, Greater New York Council - Hi-A-Wak" lit., Meadow Mountain Ranch, Rocky Mountain National Park and Forest - Tomorrow's Woman in Public Relations, Spanish Trails Council, Claremont, CA - Wildwood Day Camp. Leesville, LA - Facilitator's Camp, Camp Kachina, Temple, TX. - Leaders Training, Charleston, SC - Camp Lo- Co Scouts Own, Charleston, SC - Edith Macy, Worlds to Explore,"Festival of Lights -
Tridens III All Camp Campfire and Flag Disposal Ceremony, Lithopolis, OH - Rediands Reflections, Rediands Council, OK - Hello Historic Hudson, MY - TOPS Weekend, Camp Dorothy Thomas, Suncoast Council - Training for Trainers Conference, Camp Judy Lain - Sr/Cad Weekend, Kentuckiana GSC. Stem Program Ctr, Laconia, IN - Troop Fire in Wisconsin - Region V Campus GS Convention, Morngona GSC, Camp Sacajawea, Boons, IA - Sr/Cad Weekend, Camp Welcome, Homan, GA - Third Annual Opryland Jamboree, Nashville, TN - Cad Encampment, Camp Martha Johnston, Lizella, GA - Coed Camp Trip, Camp Graham, NC - Bicycle Camping Trip - Orange County Camporee, Camp Graham, NC - Friends Around the World, Ketchekan, AK Aides of Mentally Retarded Girls, Conifer Council, ACC-TION Day Camp, Arkadelphia, AR - Fins and
Forest, Olympia, WA - Sr Encampment, Southwestern Connecticut GSC, CT - Hallowed, Collier
Camporee, Nashville, TN - Wildwood Day Camp, Leesville, LA - Camp Kachina, Temple, TX -
Ceremonial Bonfire, Camp Holloway, White House, TN World of Today and Tomorrow, Lone Pine,
Edith Macy National Center, NY - Wilderness Day Camp, Leesville, LA. - Cad Camporee, NC -
Sr Weekend, Camp Welcome. Newman, GA'- USA, Cadette Weekend, Camp Pine Valley, Meansville, GA - Kansas Sampler, Kaw Vallpy Council, Topeka, Kansas - Summer Camp Hidden
Valley Campfire - Portage Spring Camporee, Fort Deerborne, Chicago, IL - Campfire, Pompeii
Community Camp, Park Forest, IL - National Scout Jamboree, Moraine State Park, Pittsburgh,
PA - Campfire, Two Rivers Council, National Jamboree, PA - Sr/Cad Weekend, Kentuckiana
Council, Stern Program Ctr, KY - Camp Seininole, Chesapeake, VA - Rockwood National Girl
Scout Center, Potomac, MD - Highland Oaks GS Encampment, Miami, FL - Cad Weekend, Camp
Welcome, Newman, GA - Sr Weekend, Camp Pine Valley, Meansville, GA - Camp Sandoneida, OH
Okinawa Spring Cadette Camporee - Taiwan, ROC Camp Jwon Bet - Japan, Camp Tama Resident
Camp - Taiwan, ROC 2nd National Jamboree, 20th Anniversary of Chinese Girl Scouts - Okinawa, Fall Cadette Camporee - Canada, Allentown PA/Canadian Exchange, Ontario - England, Sussex Brownie Campfire, Guestwell - Philippines, 26th Reenactment of Bataan Death March - Taiwan, ROC Advancement Campout - Germany, Neighborhood Campout, Stuttgart Mexico, Tne World of People/El Mundo de la Genre, Our Cabana Taiwan, ROC Bridging Encampment - Spain - Inter-national Camp, Castle Ashby, Northampton, England - USA, Aides to Mentally Retarded Girls, Conifer Council, Arkedelphia, AR - Freedom Valley Wyoming Trek at Camp Strother, Eldon, IA - Singing Pine Day Camp, Congaree Council, SC Greentree, Williamsburg, VA - Scouts on Survival, Garden Island, MI Who Am I?, Catholic Retreat, Detroit, HI - Women Walk More Determined, IL Teton Tret-;, Jackson, WY - Melody and Make Believe, Danbury, CT Wood Badge Training 5C-1S7, Camp Dale Realer - Staff Overnight, Chalk Hills Camp, WI - Saddle Straddle, Nation::; Center West - Sr Conference, Free To Be You and Me, KS - Hawaii Hoolaulea, HI - Utah's Wlr.dsong, UT - Aides to the Handicapped Event, Rotary Camp, Kansas City, MO - Core Camp, Camp Ken Jockety, Galloway, OH - Greater Saint Louis Girl Scout Day Camp - San Gorgonio Girl Scout Council Pay Camp, Riverside, CA - Camp Ledgewood Tri-Hoga Leadei-Daughter Weekend, Western Reserve, Akron, OH - Neighborhood Camp, Camp Dorothy Thomas, FL - Folk Arts Festival Wider  Opportunity, Burea, KY - Winter Wonderland, Scranton Pocono Council, Pocono Mountains, PA - International Friendship, Greater Saint Louis Council, MO - Virginia Colonial Heritage, Commonwealth Council, VA - Farming Midwest Style, Singing Sands Council, South Bend, IN - Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, NM - Jr/Cad Encampment, Rockwood National Center - Appalachian Adventure, Standing Adventure, NC - TSL Caravan, Camp Low, Suncoast Council, Savannah, GA - LaFamilie Del Mundo, Camp Seeley, CT Neighborhood 13 Camporee, Skylark Ranch, SCCGSC - Cad/Sr Spring Fling, Hidden Falls, SCCGSC - Trenton Trek Opportunity, Jackson, WY - Open Door: Camp, Jackson, WY - Arizona Cactus Pine Council, Yuma Association Camporee - Desert Encampment, Spanish Trails Council, Calico, CA - Canadian Guides/English Rangers/Girl Scout Campfire, Camp Elliot Barker, Eagle Nest, NM - Hike A Peak, National Center West, WY - Staff and Program Aides Final Campfire. Camp Elliot Barker, Eagle Nest, NM - Final Campfire, Camp Francis Girl Scout Council, Kent, CT - Cadette Exchange, Allentown, PA and Ontario, Canada - Neffs Day Camp, Great Valley Girl Scout Council, Allentown, PA - Sr Encampment, Rocky Graig, Southwestern Gicl Scout Council, CT - Neighborhood Encampment, Srs and Jrs, Camp Candlewood, CT - Indian Waters Council, Eau Claire, WI - Camp Holloway, White House, TN Portland/GallatinDay Camp, Cumberland Valley GSC, Nashville, TN - Troop Campout, Portland, TN - Girl Scout Day Camp, Griffis AFB, NY - Adult Super Weekend, Camp Glengarra, NY - Foothills Council Resident Camp, Glengarra, NY - Owassa Bauer Girl Scout Encampment,
Homestead, FL - Camp Wesuakee, Girl Scouts of Holy Cross, West Summerland Key, FL - Camp
Walts, Brownie Troop, Miami, FL - Rockwood National Canter, Potomac - Region V Conference,
Topeka, KS - Primitive Campout, Camp Kivawood, KS - Camp Darden, Sedley, VA - Moniseep,
Clarksville, VA - Camp Seminole, Chesapeake, VA - Reach Up, Suffolk, VA; Australia, Heritage Tour, Western Australia - England, Dear Peak, Comley - Switzerland, Lighting the Flame of Youth, Our Chalet - India, Three Worlds of the Child Seminar, Sangam - Mexico, Our Cabana, Adult Adventure Session - Mexico, 50th Anniversary of Mexican Guias - USA, Conqaree GSC, Cadette Weekend, Columbia, SC - Trl-Dayna Junior/Cadette Camporee, Camp Molly Lauiuan, Portsmouth, UH - Totem Council, WV - Tahoe-Truckee Neighborhood Camporee - Outdoor Training, Camp Nawakwa, Indian Water GSC, WI - Senior Winter Weekend, CA - GAM, CA - Senior Conference, You hold the Key, KS - Aides to Handicapped, Kansas City, MO - Fiesta in Mexico '19, TX - Children Around the World Festival, LA - Last Night Campfire, Camp Kivawood, KS - Camp Kettieford, Us - TEQUE, SCCGSC - Cadette Yearend Campout, Pa 1 a Dale, FL - Arizona Cactus Pine Council, Yuma Association Camporee - Training, Tridens Camp, Li t.hopol is, OH - Camp Cloud Rim, Utah GSC - Camp Mary Prince, Lakeworth, Ft. - Bridging, Camp Walaka, FL - Appalachian Adventure, Standing Indian, NC - Camp Ledgewood Adventure, ACA Training Western Reserve Council, Akron, OH - Camp Butterworth, TAC, Loveland, OH Junior Encampment, Camp Mary Atkinson - Cadette Camporee, Mu-Sha-Ni - Co-ed Troop Trip, Eno River - Spotlight Girl Celebration, Lake Nantin, AL Wingeg Flight Day Camp, Norman, OK - Camp Kate Portwood, Granite, OK Camporee at Oak Spring, Princeton, NJ - CIT Graduation, Camp Merrie Woods - Sail Away, Totoc Council, Seattle, WV - Hopkinsvilla Day Camp, Hopkinsville, KY - Leader Weekend, Camp Holloway, White House, TN - Leader Weekend, Camp Piedmont, Murfreesboro, TN - Lakota Neighborhood Encampment, Highland Oaks, Miami, FL - Junior Campout, Cape Florida, Key Biscayne, FL - Finger Lake Sailing Festival, National Event, Finger Lake, NY - Region V Girl Scout Conference, Stevens Ranch, Fort Worth, TX - Aides to Mentally Retarded Girls, Conifer Council, AR - Senior Roundup, McGuire AFB, NJ - Florence-Robeling Area Weekend, Camp Kettle Run, Medford, NJ - Ashes from the Candles at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, NY - The Great Hall, Edith Macy National Canter, NY - Camp Andre, Puch Cabin, Briar Cliff Manor, NY - Tridens Day Camp, It's A Small World, Lithopolis, OH - Camp E-Ko-Watt, Manlow, OK - CIT, Camp Kiwanis, Amarillo, TX
1980 Maple Leaf Course, Port El ain, Ontario - Canada, Voyagers - Switzerland, Swiss National
Day Bonfire, Kandersteg - Switzerland, International Campfire, Kandersteg International
Scout Center, Kandersteg - Heritage Tour, Western Australia - International Camp, Camp
KuiCooinda Sydney, Australia - Mexico, Golden Jubilee of Guias de Mexico, Mexico City -
USA, Orange County Council, Camp Joe Scherman, Core Camp - Whirlwind in '80, Lenni Lanape
GSC, Camp Te Ata, NY Las Caballeras Camporee, Cabrillo Beach, CA - Hiawaka, Session 2, CO
Teton Trek, Jackson, WY - Seafarer's Sampler, Coronado, San Diego, CA - Wood Badge
Training, W5-328-80 Camp Del Webb - Arizona Cactus Pino Council, Payson, A2 Connecticut
Trails Council, Camp Seeley, CT Camp Conestoga, KS Senior Weekend, Camden County Council,
Inawendiwin, NJ - Camp Conestoga, Jr Encampment wi th Senior Scouts, Fort Leavenworth, KS -
Wider Opportunity, Almost Anything Goes, CT - Roads to New Horizons, Camp Welaka, Five
Council Roundup Senior Conference - Trenton Trek Opportunity, Jackson, WY - Camp
Kettieford, NH - Camp Sycamore Hills, Ashi and City, TN - Camp Holloway, White House, TN
Sister Troop Weekend, Camp Piedmont, Murf reesboro, TN - Cam].' Chanyatah, Sarasota, FI. -
Winter Games Event, Foothills Council, Lake Placid, NY - Association Camporee, Camp
Glengarra, NY Association Camp, Camp Russell, Woodgate, NY - Adult Weekend, Camp
Glengarra, HY - Rocky Ledges Camp Huntington, WV - Konocti Girl Scout Campfire - Westmont, Illinois Dupage County Girl Scouts - Penn's Woods Girl Scout Council, Luzerne, PA - Winona, Minnesota, River Trails Girl Scout Council - Foothills Girl Scout Council, Chittenango, NY - Pine Bluff, AR - Tucson, AZ - Andalusia, AL - Wetmore and Arvada, CO - South Windsor and New Canaan, CT - Long Beach, Santa Cruz, Fillbrook, Oceanside, Julian,  Roma, Daly City, Cabrillo Beach, CA - Mount Saint Helen's Volcano, ID - Rockforc, Alton, IL - Indianapolis, IN - Baldwin City, Newton, KS - Baton Rouge, LA - Presque Isle, Winchester, MI - Holyoke, South Hadley, MA - Grand Lodge, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Wazrren, MI - Winona, MN - Cape Girardeau, Kansas City, MO - Red Lodge, Great Fails, MT - Scottsville, Gedford Village, Fort Ann, Rochester, NY - Lafayette, Haworth, Princeton - CIT Graduation, Pelham, NH - Brevard, Sanford, NC - Portsmouth, OH Grove, OK - Honesdale, Philadelphia, Ephrata, Kings Mountain, PA- Deadwood,SD - Seabrook, Houston, TX - Burke, Hampton, VA - Gordon, Eau Claire, WI - Casper, WY - Auburn, WA Lakota Neighborhood encampment, Robert King High Park, Miami, FL Senior/Cadette Conference, Camp Ktwanis, Amarillo, TX - Training, Camp Kiwanis, Amarillo, TX - Eastern Camporee, West Point, NY; Camp Kilohana, Hawaii; Oahu Cad. Tr. 46'] Campout, Camp Mokuieia, Hawaii
1981 Glengarry, New South Wales, Australia - Mattsee, Austria - Knebworth *81 Herfordshire
County International Camp, Knebworth, Herfordshire, Eng]and - Mexico, Our Cabana - Italy,
Brownsea Jamborette, International Event - Mexico, Closing Campfire, Arts and Flowers, Our
Cabana - Mexico, Our Cabana, World Association Juliette Low Gathering, 30 Guides from 20
Countries -The Crusoe Caper, Garden Island, MI - San Gorgonio Council Summer Resident
Camp, Azalea Trails - Orange County Council, Camp Joe Schulman, Core Camp - Santa Fe
Senior/Cadette Campout, KS - Camp Seaweed, NH - Sam A. Baker State Park, MO - Cherokee
Ridge Girl Scout Council, MO - Trail of Tears State Park, MO - Try It Now, Wider
Opportunity, Buckeye Trails GSC, Appleseed GSC, OH Closing Campfire, Camp Whip-poor-will
Hills, Buckeye Trails GSC, OH Association 004, 005 Camporee, Camp Glengarra Association
006 Camporee, Camp Russell - Leaders Weekend, Camp Iti Kana, Gulf pines GSC, MS - Bay
Waveland Neighborhood Daisy Day, Buccaneer Park - Camp Sandy Bend, Parkersburg, WV -'camp
Sycamore, WOW Weekend, Ashland City, TN - Brandon Springs Camp Group, Land Between the
Lakes, Tennessee American Camping Association. Outdoor Living Skills Instructor's
Workshop, KY - Shamrock Hills Day Camp, Erin, TN - 3 and S Friendship Fire, Camp Kiwanis,
Amarillo, TX Closing Campfire, Camp Kiwanis, Amarillo, TX - TCC, Camp Kiwanis, Amarillo,
TX - Senior/Cadette Campout:, Santa Fe Council, Kivawood, KS - Summer Resident: Camp, Camp
Low, Savannah, GA - 30th Anniversary Final Program, Bollington County Council, Willingboro
Millcreek Park, NJ - Wood Badge Training, NE-I-89, Rowley, MA - Lakota Neighborhood, Halt
Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, FL - Lakota Neighborhood, Enchanted Forest^ Miami, FL; Jr.
Cad. Sr. of MakiV.i Christian Church, Camp Paumaiu
1982 India, Sangam, Common Links - Germany, Camp Lachenwald - USA, Juliette Low Camp, Mid
Continent Council, Rotary Youth Camp, Lee's Summit, MO - Inside the Golden Gate, San
Francisco, CA New Mexico Montage, final Campfire, Zia GSC, Camp Mary White, NM Desert GAM, Frontier GSC, Las Vegas, NV World's Fair, Nashville, TN - Carnival Camporee, Camp Lauihing Waters, PA - Orange County Council, Cs;np . ce junemun. Resident Camp - Tabernacle-
Chatsworth Area Campfiie, Tabernacle, NJ - Rolling On The River, Cincinnati, OH - Energy
Fair, Camp Tanasi, TN - Wildlife and Windjammer, Wider Opportunity, CT - Sr/Cad Campout,
KS Phantasmagoria, MI - Camp Tanasi, TN - Troop Winter Campout, Camp Iti Kana, Wiggins, MS
-Gulf Pines SCAT Canoe float Trip, Desoto National Forest, Brooklyn, MS - Gulf Pines 6th
Grade Bash, Buccaneer Park, Waveland, MS - Bay Waveland Neighborhood Day Camp, Buccaneer
Park, Waveland, MS - SCAT Welcome Weekend, Camp Iti Kana, Wiggins, MS Bay Waveland Daisy
Encampment, Camp Iti Kana, Wiggins, MS - Gulf Pines Jamboree, Camp Shelby, MS - Mule Day,
Camp Scout Haven, Columbia, TN - Arrowhead Boy Scout Camp, Huntington, WV - Camp Macie
Flynn, Logan, WV - Lincoln-Marti Camporee, West Miami, Fl - Lakota Neighborhood
Encampment, Robert King High. Park, Miami, FL - Camp Near Wilderness, Central Square, NY -
A Day in The Woods, Camp Greynolds, Miami, Fl - O'Leno State Park, High Falls, FL - Ocala
National Forest, Ocala, FL - Isaac Davis Camporee, Acton, MA - Seacoast SCOUTS Interaction
Boy Scouts of America, Pawtuckaway State Park, NH - Homestead, Sunset Valley, Gorham, NH
Older Girl Scout Adventure, Camp Conestoga, Fort Leavenworth, KE Where the Glaciers
Roamed, Wider Opportunity, MI - Japanese Rangers, Camp Kivawood
1983 India, East Meets West, Sangam - India, Juliette Low Seminar, Sangam - India,
Sangam Festival, Sangam - India, Thinking Say at Sangam, Sangam - India, Common Links
Session, Sangam - India, Joint Sangam Session, Sangam -" Canada, "Serendipity"
International Opportunity Farewell Campfire, Vancouver, BC - USA, Canoeing the Service
Desert Wider Opportunity, Green River, UT Sponsored by Frontier GSC, Valley, of Fire, NV
Sirni Valley Assoc. Outdoor Adventure. Steckel Park, CA San Gorgonio Council, Sweetwater
Day Camp - San Gorgonio council, Camp Tautona, Resident Camp Session 2 - San
Gorgonio Council, Leader Training Weekend, E.T.W.O.L. II - CIT Graduation, Camp River
Ranch, Totem Council, Seattle, WA - Cad Troop Campout, Charleston, SC - Cad Troop Hut
Cleanup, Summerville, SC - Camp Rocky Ledges, Huntington, WV - Camp Sycamore, WOW Weekend, Ashland City, TN Camp Holloway, Primitive Training, White House, TN - Troop Winter
Encampment, NASA NSTL,- Bay Saint Louis, MS - White Water Park, Gulf Pines SCAT Canoe
Weekend, Lucedale, MS - Opryland Jamboree, Camp Sycamore Hills, Ashland City, TN,
Cumberland Valley GSC, Nashville, TN - Wa Woo Ki Ye Cachet, Camp Kokiwanee, Laqro, IN -
Cad/Sr Camporee, Camp Soni Springs, Three daks, MI - Prairie Days and Yesterdays, Wider
Opportunity, Minn-Sa-Kpta GSC. Brookings, SD - Camp Kachina, Bluebonnet GSC, Temple, TX -
Great Lakes, IL - Beloit, WI - Betsy Ross Cabin, NJ - Sr Sailing Weekend, Camp
Kittamaqund, VA - Arrowheads to Atoms, Camp Kiwanis, Amarillo, TX - Lincoln-Marti
Camporee, Miami, FL - Peace River, FL - Cad Encampment, Tropical Florida Council, Miami,
FL - Javonica Neighborhood Encampment, Cas Wesuakee, West Summerland Key, FL - Girl
Scout/Boy Scout Troop Camp, Camp Tanah Keeta, Jupiter, Fl. - Mahachee Summer Camp, Session
V, Coral Gables, FL - Cad Encampment, Tropical Florida Council, West Miami, FL
1984 India, Thinking Day at Sangam, Sangam - New Zealand, Afcaroa Guiders Evening, RMD
Christchurch - New Zealand, Motokarara, Domain, Christchurch 60th Anniversary Camp -
England, Charborotigh Park, Last of the Queen's Guide (Guide Section! Presentations, Dorset
- England, Friendship Camp, Kingston Lacy, Wimborne, Dorset - USA, Camp Tecoya, Tres
Condados, CA - Buckskins and Calico, NCW, Ten Sleep, WY - Runways Express, Whiskeytown
Lake, CA - Edith Macy, 25th World Conference - Costa Mesa Leaders' Retreat, Costa Mesa, CA
- Cypress Community Core Camp, Camp Joe Scherman, GSC of Orange County, CA Awards
Ceremony, Manhattan, KS - Increased Effectiveness for Experienced Staff, Edith Macy
National Center, NY Arts i. Crafts + 1982, Go In The Snow Wider Opportunity, Erie, PA
Hidden Valley Camp Canoe Trip - Wide World of Animals, Davis, CA - On Stage in the
Poconos, E. Stroudsberg, PA - CIT Graduation, Camp River Ranch, Totem Council, Seattle, WA
- SOS Soda Springs CA Camp Fleishmans, Chester, CA CIT Graduation, Camp Sugarpine, CA Hi
Hills Camp, Hichson, TN Daisy1s Cachet, Lamp Soni Springs, Three Oaks, Ml - Leaaer's
Weekend, Henry Kaufmann Girl Scout Camp, ilolmer, NY - Brownie Supper, South Miami, FL -
Boy Scout Family Encampment, Long Fine Key, FL - Girl Scout Go Round, Cad/St Encampment,
Suncoast Council, Tampa, FL Javonica Cad/Sr Backpack Trip, OcaLa, FL - Summer Camp
Wasuakee, Big Pine Key, FL - Standing Indian Natural Area, ACA Training, NC - Cad
encampment, Westward Ho, Miami, FL - Girl Scout/Boy Scout Weekend Campout, William H.
Pouch Boy Scout Camp, Staten island, NY
1985 Scotland, Ben-y-Gloe, 75th Anniversary International Camp, Blair Atholl, Perthshire -
England, Overstone, Northampton - England, Magic '85 Celebrating 7 5 Years of Girl Guiding,
Midlands Region - India, Asia Pacific Sub-Region Ranger Workshop, Sangam - India, East
Meets West+Intac S3, Ample Forth College, Sangam i North Yorkshire, UK India, Jubilee, 75
Years of WAGGGS, Sangaifi - India, Sangam Festival, Sangam - India, Sangam Service Project,
Sangam - India, Thinking Day Event, Sangam - Switzerland, Our Chalet - USA, G.A.M.
Seniors, Long Beach GSC of Orange County, CA - Kaleidoscope Seniors, Santa Barbara GSC of
Orange County, CA - Troop j in Action, Camp Joe Scherman, GSC of Orange County, CA -
Camp Inawendiwin, 35th Anniv-.;r; -.ry, CamclLn County Council, NJ - Backcountry Odyssey Wider
Op, National Center West, WY - Juliet Low World Friendship "Daisy Day" Pre-Celebration
Campfire, Camp Pioneer, Ei Pa ., TX - Camp Pecoya, Tres Condados GSC, CA - Las Caballeras
Camporee, Newport Dunes, C,A F,.Lher/Daughter weekend, Troy, NY - Challenge of Being a Girl
Scout Campfire - Edith Macy Conference Center, Fitzpatrick, NY Bridging Ceremony, Camp
Dreamsend Waterford, WI - Oak Lake Girl Scout Camp, Brookings, SP - Fish Boil Campout,
Halo Corners, Wl - Mother/naughter Campout, Danville, IL Cadette Primitive Campout,
Danville, IL - Mount Saint Helens, WA Troop Camp, VA - Camp Ka Wa Kwa, Carbon, IN - Pierce
River Canoe Trip, Tort. Pierce, FL - Gateway Association Camporee, Wells, ME - Javonica
Neighborhood Encampment, Owaissa Bauer, Naranj a, FL - Cad/Sr Troop, Hartford, CT -
Learning Fair for Leaders, Camp Yatak?, Sardis, MS - Opryland Jamboree, Camp Sycamore
Hills, Ashland City, TN, Cumberland Valley GSC, Nashville, TN - Spectrum '85, Wider
Opportunity, Buckeye Trails GSC, Camp Mac-Q-Chee, Beliefontaine, OH; Intercounci1
Trainer's Conference, New London, NH
1986 India, International Understanding/Common Links, Sangam - India, Sangam's 20th Birthday
Celebration, Sangam - India, Service r.o Indian Children, Sangam - USA, Western Saddlebags
Wiaer Opportunity, National Center West, WY - Sun Gorgonio Council, Moreno Valley Service
Unit Campout - Current River Float Trip, Cadettes/Seniors, Columbia, MO - Catch The
Sparkle, Brookville, KS, Central Kansas Council of GS - Las Cabalieras Camporee, Hurkey Creek
ParK, Mountain Creek, CA - Ride, Rap "n Wangle, NCW, Ten Sleep, WY - Ho! West We Go! NCW,
TenSleep, WY - Kentucky ana's Pride: Horses, Heritage 5 Hospitality, International Wider
Opportunity, Camp Shantituck, Louisvilje, KY - Catalina Camp Fox, Cadette/Senior Girl
Scout Encampment, Sierra Madras GSC, CA
1987 England, First Stramshall Girl Guide Unit, Midlands Region - England, Weekend Guide Camp,
Rolleston-on-Dove, Midlands Region - Germany USA, Camden County Council, 7 5th Bi rthday
Celebration, Camp Inawediwln, NJ - Winter In The Woods. Leaders' Weekend, Camp Inawediwin,
NJ - 75th Anniversary Campfire, Lone Star GSC, Austin, TX - H.E.A.R.T-S. '67, Mill Creek
Park, Willingboro, NJ - San Gorgonio Council, Diamond Jubilees Shakedown, Elsinore, CA -
Stage In The Sage, NCW, Ten Sleep, WY - 75th Anniversary Girl Scout Diamond Jubilee
Roundup, Glen Helen National Park, CA- Las Cabaljeras Camporee, El Pocero, CA - Spring
Festival Outdoor Camp Training, Whiskeytown Lake, CA - Futher River Camporee, Mt. Hope
Conference, Grands Challenge, CA - Safari Texas Style, San Antonio, TX - Wisconsin Wings
and Waves, Fox River Area, GSC,, WI - World of Understanding, International ."
Opportunity, Edith Macy, NY, Camp Andree Clark, Outdoor Education Center - "Long Island,
The Atlantic Ocean and Beyond" Wider Opportunity, Long Island, NY - 75th Anniversary
Jubilee Round-Up, McKinney Falls State Park, Austin, TX; Providing Effective Leadership
for Junior Girl Scouts, Workshop For Leaders of Daisy and Brownie Girl Scouts, Writer's
Conf., Edith Macy, NY; Rollin' on the River Wider Opp, Riverland GSC, WI
1988 Mexico, Our Cabana, International Leader Conference, "Many Faces of Today's Families". 2<l
Countries - USA, San Gorgonio Council, Moreno Valley Service Unit Campout, Camp Jaquitz -
Whales, Witches and Weavers Wider Opportunity, Spar and Spindle Girl Scout Council, MA;
Camp of the Tall Pines, Mayhill, NM; Cadena de Amistad WAGGS 60th Anniversary Wider Opp,
US Girl Scouts s Guias de Mexico, NM
1991 USA, Fiesta Neighborhood Encampment, Camp MarapaL, AZ
1992 USA, Whale Watch Event, AZ
1993 USA, Unknown Wild West, Regional Event, AZ; Valley Service Unit Day Camp, LIT
1994 USA, CIT Graduation, Camp Trefoil Ranch, Utah Girl Scout Council, Provo, UT
1995 USA, CIT Graduation, Camp Trefoil Ranch, Utah GSC, Provo, UT; South Davis h'ickoff, flag retirement, Bountiful, Utah
1996 USA, Suncrest Service Unit, Leader/Daughter Trefoil Get-A-Way, UT; Celebrate Utah! Wider
         Opportunity, for Utah's Centennial, UT
2017 Camp Scoutcrest Closing Ceremony - Girl Scouts West Central Florida; 2017 GIRL National
         Council Session

Spare Bedroom Update - Before

I finally updated our spare bedroom - here you can see what I was working with -- from a large 4 poster bed taking up all the room, removed the wallpaper, painted a nice friendly color, and worked with a loose "camp" theme.  Even the window blinds were blue in this room before:

Anyone love looking at a scenic lake vista with a pine tree?  No.

Thankfully, the scenic lake came down in whole sheets.  I threw them away for the good of the world.

One side note: my 2 year old got into the paint.  This is the only picture I have of the aftermath because she was COVERED in white latex trim paint, ruining a homemade dress I made for her, but you can see some little tiny handprints here.  More to come!

Camping 1st Birthday

We had a great time at Tessa's 1st birthday party.  Camping invitations from etsy:

 I chose a camping theme, which was a lot of fun to do.  I got a kit from etsy that included these flags and an additional one for signage and cupcake toppers.

 Set out some chocolate teddy grahams, and some Swedish fish in a tackle box.
 There were also some caterpillars made out of grapes on kabob sticks out on the table as well.
 I made this beautiful sign to commemorate her 1st year.  She is a sweet baby and I'm so glad we have her. 
 I made the stuffed animals (a raccoon, fox, and hedgehog) by hand, the little cups have trail mix in them, and the cupcakes are both campfires and bear claws.  Cupcakes by publix, frosting by me!
 She is doing much better!

 We also set up our fantastic RV camper and the teepee I made from the Neverland birthday.
 The activity was for the kids to make camping lanterns out of milk jugs.  They got to hand paint them all.  You put glow sticks inside for the light.
 She was really happy!
 And finally, every one got to go fishing and won a prize.  I drew these camping letters (GONE FISHING).

The kids loved this game.

A great idea, at least to me, is a movie night.  Candy, soda, popcorn, and the best part....a Redbox code for a movie rental.
Thanks Teachers!
Just a quick treat for your teacher.

These came to about $3 each at our dollar store.  My favorite part is the ruler holding the sign.  Google the sign's phrase to get many options for a printable.

Tessa NEHI 2 year Anniversary

Well, we've made it two years with dealing with NEHI.  These pictures were taken when Tessa was finally diagnosed by Dr. Houin in Tampa in September 2014 (she was 10 months old).  She had a high resolution CT scan that showed ground glass opacities in her lungs that present Neuroendocrine Cell Hyperplasia of Infancy.  It was a really rough 1st year, but since then she has made so many strides and taken all of these issues without a complaint (although she doesn't know any differently).

She is still our happy little girl all the time.
When we got home and was put on oxygen, we had to learn how to deal with the tube and tank, which seemed monumental at the time.  But now she only needs it when she's sleeping so it makes everything so much easier.
And nothing gets her down!
Read more about NEHI here:

It's a Children's Interstitial Lung Disease or ChILD.  Research is still ongoing to determine what the cause is and whether there is a cure.  She'll always have this, but overtime her lungs will grow healthy tissue and make her stronger and stronger.  If you have any questions, please ask us, we always like to talk about it and spread the information around.

And here she is now at 2 years and 5 months.

I didn't do myself the favor of taking before pictures, but I removed a large boxwood hedge from the front of the house in the heat.  I don't ask myself if I'm crazy, I know I'm crazy.  It had plenty of holes with dead parts and just needed a refresher, to make our front porch look more inviting and friendly.  This is what we got out of the ground - via ratchet straps and our pickup truck.  We dragged them away from the area and put them on the trailer.  It took a whole day.
 Then I went to a local nursery and to Home Depot and picked plants.

 I got several that attract butterflies and some feathery ones.  I also planted our two plumeria I had near the pool finally.  They made it 2 years in pots after our move from Merritt Island to Winter Haven to Seffner.
 It took 12 bags of mulch to mulch everything.
 And did I mention I did the pool beds as well?  I did!  Lemongrass went in to try to deter mosquitos...we'll see if that works.
Long, hard day.  Beautiful and satisfying results.

Gender Reveal Party

Part of the gender compromise was to find out what the gender was, for my husband, but to have it in such a way that it was exciting for everyone else.  So he found out first and then prepped the way we would do the reveal.

I was on team Boy.  (This is a very old post, since the baby I was pregnant with was born in 2013...but at least I'm getting there).

 We opened the box....and out came some balloons.
 It's a Girl!

 Here is a cute thing I saw on pinterest, to let people know what an Old Wives Tale Prediction would say.  I was split pretty much down the middle.
 And I made a gender neutral question mark in green and yellow yarn.
Abbots - I have a tea set from my great-grandmother & grandmother's house.  It is beautiful but I have let it go.

Did you know polishing silver is easy?  I DID NOT.  I mean easy.  You just keep polishing.  I saw in HGTV Magazine that Vern Yip said this is a task you shouldn't put off because it is easy, there are these amazing wipes (I wasn't paid for this, I seriously just bought the wipes on Amazon and used them.  I'll pay full price for these babies.
 Weiman knows its stuff.  Just wipe until the wipe gets dirty, then get a new one.
 Here's after one wipe.  There are still black spots, especially the handles and feet, but a good start huh?  The entire set took me about 20 wipes. 
But man is it worth it.  I'm so happy I cleaned these.  Let me know how your silver polishing goes, and whether you feel like a second footman, or perhaps Anna Bates?