Here are the deals I'm planning for next week (starting on Sunday).
Sarah Peyton Spa Set 9.99 get $3 limit 1 Cost 6.99 - This is for me :)
Maybeline Mineral Power 8.99 get $8.99 limit 1 ($3 Q!) Profit - $3
--Note, I bought one, and it said that I haven't reached my limit yet--
Complete Lens Solution 12 oz 8.99 get $8.99 limit 1 ($2 Q!) Profit - $2
Dial 2 pack soap 1.99 get $1 limit 5 (.30 Q) Cost .69 each
Right Guard Pro Strength on sale for 7.99 get $7 limit 5 Cost .99
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago