Grand total: Bought 44.39 worth of merchandise in 13 transactions for a total profit of 3.31 which is 100% savings!
#1 (DH Card)
3.97 6pk Sparkling Water
.29 Christmas Bows
+.02 tax
-3 CVS Q
-1 CVS Water Q
=.28 on Gift Card
+2 Water ECB, which is a profit of 1.72
#2 (My card)
3.97 6pk Sparkling Water
.19 Christmas Bows
+.01 tax
-3 CVS Q
-1 CVS Water Q
=.17 on Gift Card
+2 Water ECB, which is a profit of 2.83
#3,4 (My card)
3.49 Cotton Squares
-3 CVS Q
+.03 tax
=.52 on Gift Card
+1 ECB, which is a profit of .48
#5,6,7,8,9,10,11 (DH & My Card)
.99*3 1 L Sparkling Water
-2.97 CVS Q adjusted
=0 oop
#12 (My card)
.29*2 Hallmark Gift Bag
2.59 Apple Juice
-3 CVS Q
=.17 on gift Card, which is a cost of .17
#13 (My Card)
3.49 Cotton Squares
.55 Suave Conditioner on Clearance
.99 1L Sparkling Water
-3 CVS Q
-2 ECB
=.03 on Gift Card
+1 Cotton ECB, which is a cost of 1.03
Grand total: Bought 44.39 worth of merchandise in 13 transactions for a total profit of 3.31 which is 100% savings!